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Tellez_headshotRachel Tellez, O.D.

Dr. Rachel Tellez is a therapeutic optometrist and a 1990 graduate of the Houston University College of Optometry.

Dr. Rachel Tellez was born and raised in San Antonio. She graduated from St. Mary’s University in 1986. She then moved to Houston to attend The University of Houston College of Optometry, where she graduated in 1990. After graduation, she returned to her hometown to practice. She is blessed and honored to be able to serve and provide comprehensive eyecare to the families of San Antonio for over 30 years.

Dr. Tellez is licensed by the Texas Optometry Board as a therapeutic optometrist and optometric glaucoma specialist. She is experienced in the diagnosis of signs of ocular, neurological and systemic health problems and the treatment of vision and ocular disorders. As a therapeutic optometrist, she treats eye diseases and injuries, prescribes medicine and performs other procedures such as eye foreign body removal. As an optometric glaucoma specialist, she may treat glaucoma as authorized by the Texas Optometry Act and prescribe oral prescription drugs listed in the Optometry Act. She comanages refractive surgery and the treatment of eye diseases such as macular degeneration, cataracts and diabetic retinopathy.

In her spare time, Dr. Tellez is blessed to spend time with her husband and three daughters. She enjoys travelling, cooking, music, and serving in her Church.